so sweeeeeeet <3

hittade en gammal bild på älskling från förra hösten.

Ohh, I remember how much I loved this picture.
Couldn't remove my eyes from it when we had broken up.
I couldn't belive that I hade lost you
I didn't realize that all our late nights we missed
eachother so we took the webcam online.
I never realized how much I have miss you .
I can't find words to explain, I just can't describe.
I thought that I had let you go, but not deep inside of my heart.
I have always remember how you are.
I have always love you no matter what
I can't say a forever, because no one of us can
can see in to the future, but I hope that's we
so long time it's just go,
I love you so much, don't forget that

Postat av: Mimmiiiss

Besök och kommentera gärna min blogg, PUSS SÖTE!

2011-07-01 @ 22:42:06
Postat av: babbeeeee :D

Jag älskar dig gumman. fick tårar av detta nu. Du är den bästa jag vet ♥

2011-07-01 @ 23:14:41

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